What does our RE curriculum look like?
At Eaton Primary School, Religious Education (RE) is taught objectively with the understanding that people lead meaningful, moral and fulfilling lives without faith as well as with faith.
RE enables children to investigate and reflect on some of the most fundamental questions asked by people. At Eaton we develop the understanding of the beliefs of people of all faiths and non-religious world views.
How is the Curriculum at Eaton Primary School Structured?
Our RE lessons are based on a big question each half term. We read stories, research and explore artefacts in order to make connections to help us to answer the big question.
In Reception, children experience enquiry based RE related activities from Christianity and a range of world religions to contribute to the Foundation Stage curriculum requirements.
In Key Stage One, we learn about Christianity, Judaism and Islam. In Key Stage Two we learn about Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and Judaism. We are also introduced to the Baha’i faith, Humanism as a non-religious world view and we explore different religions and beliefs in ‘free choice’ topics. We learn about diversity in the UK and around the world through our RE lessons.
How do we provide for all learners?
We ensure that the topics studied build upon prior learning. We recognise the fact that all classes in our school have children of widely differing abilities and so we provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child so that all pupils can access RE.
How do we enrich the curriculum?
Children learn about different religions and non-religious world views by exploring artefacts, listening to and reading stories, role play, hot seating, debating and through visits from faith leaders, as well as visits to places of worship.