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What does our curriculum look like for Music?


“Music is a universal language which embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.”  (National Curriculum for Music)


How is the Curriculum at Eaton Primary School Music?


Music is taught using the National Curriculum objectives for Years 1-6. Within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) music is taught alongside the Development Matters guidance. At Eaton, we use ‘The Musical School Scheme’ (Charanga) to teach music across the school. The learning within this Scheme is based on: Listening and Appraising; Musical Activities — creating and exploring; and Singing and Performing. Lessons take place each week for every child.


How do we provide for all learners?


Through our teaching and learning of music, all children have a positive view of this subject. They are enthusiastically able to demonstrate their musical understanding and develop their creativity. Children are supported when necessary to enable success and more able pupils are challenged to ensure everyone can access the music curriculum.


How do we enrich the curriculum?


Regular performances are held throughout the year. These vary from small key stage performances, to larger whole school musicals and celebrations. These performances incorporate other curriculum areas (British Values, SMSC, Geography, History, well-being etc). We are proud to have great links within our community and each year our choir will perform at Oulton Park for the Senior Christmas Lunch.

At Eaton, we are keen to promote our love of music and provide opportunities for children to learn musical instruments, study famous composers and visit local performance venues to play instruments, or to perform a song. Just recently (March 2022), our KS2 classes visited The Bridgewater Hall in Manchester to watch and perform with the world’s famous Halle Orchestra.

Extra- curricular activities are regularly offered to promote a sharing of skills, confidence creativity and enjoyment (Choir club, Music club, Guitar club, Recorder club etc.)


How do we assess the Music? 

The class teacher monitors the progress of Music through work scrutiny of practical tasks, composition work, pupil voice, and performances. Children are expected to understand and apply musical vocabulary based on the objectives being taught.  Assessments are ongoing and judgements are made by the class teacher at the end of each term. The subject leader will monitor the teaching, learning and assessment through learning walks, observations and through conducting pupil voice interviews and questionnaires.


A few quote from these pupil voice interviews and questionnaires are below:


“I can play the drums to find the pulse in the music.” Teddy.

“I love coming to choir club and performing at Oulton Park.” Ivy.

“I like to play along to the music with the drums and I like dancing too.” Imogen.

“I loved performing and dancing with the Halle Orchestra.” Hannah.

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