Join Our School
Information about school admission arrangements can be found by clicking here. This link will take you to Cheshire West and Cheshire website.
Reception Starters
The deadline for applications for children starting school in September 2021 is 15th January 2021.
Information about applying for school places can be found here:
Starting Primary School in 2021 Information Booklet
If you would like to visit our school before making your application, our Executive Head Teacher and Head of School are available to give tours. Please call Mrs Jeffs in the school office on 01829 732731 to make an appointment.
Years 1 - 6 (In year transfers)
For entry to year groups from 1-6, please contact Mrs Jeffs on 01829 732731.
Information can be found by clicking here.
We welcome applications for all year groups.

Children staff and parents work actively in partnership to enable all children to realise their full potential. We aim for us all, as learners, to:"feel safe and valued as part of a caring community that celebrates success. be independent thinkers / learners who are able to seek solutions creatively inspire an ‘enquiring’ mind and ask questions. be confident enough to take risks in our learning. experience and actively participate in a relevant, enjoyable curriculum. allow the curriculum evolve to meet the needs of all. be able to listen and articulate responses showing consideration to others. be polite and courteous. be proactive in our responsibilities towards the community. study society, the environment and economy, linking ‘real life’ with our learning. understand and respect diversity. be aware of and recognise our own learning needs and plan our future steps. develop a sense of self-esteem: be well balanced and healthy individuals. The information below shows what we are doing to promote British Values throughout our school.
DemocracySchool council - Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council. It promotes the democratic process, fosters the concept and application of freedom of speech and group action to address needs and concerns. The election of two children from each year group takes place each year and is organised through pupil vote. Volunteerism - We encourage volunteerism in and out of school. This includes Year 6 ‘buddies’ for reception children, Junior road safety officers, house team leaders, lunch helpers, and also raising money for national charities. Sharing ideas - Throughout the school we encourage children to share their ideas and thoughts about any subject being taught. We also encourage the development of the children’s ability to learn how to argue and defend points of view.
Rule of LawBehaviour policy - The importance of laws, including those governing the individual, the class and the whole school, are consistently reinforced throughout the school year. The children understand these laws as rules. Pupils are taught the values and the reasons behind British laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. They also understand that working within the agreed rules brings its own rewards and this is demonstrated in our achievement rewards system, ‘Head teacher awards’ and ‘Celebration assembly’ which is held every Friday afternoon. Golden rules - At the start of each school year, teachers work with their class to draw up age appropriate rules that all class members agree to. Junior Safety Officers – Our junior safety officers deliver assemblies and promote competitions throughout the school for subjects such as road safety and electrical safety. They also work with the school council to promote recycling through the introduction of our new recycling bins in the playground and reducing our energy usage in school. Bike ability – Year 4 children are given the opportunity to take part in a bike ability course, allowing them to gain practical skills and understanding how to cycle on today’s roads. Professional visits – The local police officers/fire brigade visit the school to talk to the children, explain their role in society and promote safety both in and outside of school.
Behaviour PolicyThe importance of laws, including those governing the individual, the class and the whole school, are consistently reinforced throughout the school year. The children understand these laws as rules. Pupils are taught the values and the reasons behind British laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. They also understand that working within the agreed rules brings its own rewards and this is demonstrated in our achievement rewards system, ‘Head teacher awards’ and ‘Celebration assembly’ which is held every Friday afternoon. Golden rules - At the start of each school year, teachers work with their class to draw up age appropriate rules that all class members agree to. Junior Safety Officers – Our junior safety officers deliver assemblies and promote competitions throughout the school for subjects such as road safety and electrical safety. They also work with the school council to promote recycling through the introduction of our new recycling bins in the playground and reducing our energy usage in school. Bike ability – Year 4 children are given the opportunity to take part in a bike ability course, allowing them to gain practical skills and understanding how to cycle on today’s roads. Professional visits – The local police officers/fire brigade visit the school to talk to the children, explain their role in society and promote safety both in and outside of school.
Personal FreedomPupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-safety lessons, Safety weeks, SEAL and PSHE lessons. Whether it is through choice of challenge or working partners, choice of how they record their work or of choice of participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities. School council - Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council. It promotes the democratic process, fosters the concept and application of freedom of speech and group action to address needs and concerns. The election of two children from each year group takes place each year and is organised through pupil vote.
Anti-bullying and internet safetyChildren are taught how to keep themselves safe in different environments, including online. This is done through computing lessons, assemblies and outside organisations such as the NSPCC. Children also participate in a range of activities to promote anti-bullying during Anti-bullying week. Celebrating individual achievements – Children are given the opportunity to share their individual achievements in our weekly ‘celebration assemblies’. Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Respecting other faiths and beliefsTolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs is encouraged also through our ethos of respect and through enhancing pupils understanding of their place within a culturally diverse society. Within our RE curriculum we study the background and practices of a range of faiths including Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim and Jewish faiths.
Re & PSHE lessonsDiscussion in RE, PSHE and P4C lessons at an age appropriate level gives pupils opportunities to consider the reasons for and the consequences of religious and racial intolerance and prejudice-based bullying. Through RE and PSHE lessons we also help children to understand why discriminatory behaviour is wrong and discuss differences between people such as differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender or sexuality and differences of family situations.
Professional VisitsThrough links created with our local church, children are given the opportunity to learn about and learn from religion. By learning how and why people believe in different religions, children are able to understand and accept other religions. Reverend Whatmore provides regular assemblies about Christianity and teaches children about how and why Christians pray and celebrate God. Children have also visited the local church and participated in a range of activities linked to Christianity.
Behaviour PolicyWe have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Behaviour Policy. Our behaviour policy promotes respect for individual differences and does not tolerate prejudice and discriminatory behaviour.