Health and Safety
First Aid
All staff are qualified emergency first-aiders in school, so simple first aid is given at school when necessary. We have four fully qualified First-aiders - who will deal with more serious injuries. If an accident needs hospital attention you will be contacted immediately. Please ensure that any information held by the school is kept-up-to-date so that you can be contacted. School will, with signed and authorised permission, administer prescribed medication if required. Teachers will not automatically be able to administer medication, therefore no un-prescribed medication will be given in school by teaching staff. Please contact the Head Teacher for any further clarification.
Contact Information
Please ensure that your contact details held by the school are correct, and that the school is told about any health matters, especially allergies, relating to your child.
Head Lice
The Health Authority clearly places responsibility for this with parents. However, we do keep parents/carers informed if there is an outbreak. Cases of head lice should be reported to school. Advice on treatment is available from the school office if necessary. Please note that the school is not responsible for treatment.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on school/Trust premises.
Please do not bring dogs on to school premises (this includes the car park, turnaround, playgrounds and pedestrian areas) - with the exception of Guide Dogs.
Please do not tie them to school fences.
Please do not allow them to obstruct the pavement where children walk. No matter how gentle your animal is, children can be easily scared.
Please do not allow your dog to foul on pavements on the route to school.