At Eaton, we take your children's security very seriously. In a school setting, we are able to monitor and control a wide variety of issues which may arise from internet use.
Teaching the children about internet safety is part of the National Curriculum and an area that we feel very strongly about. We reinforce the importance of safe searching; recognising and reporting cyber bullying; personal information security; and safety from unknown individuals. We teach these areas through direct lessons, assemblies, computing days, taking part in National Internet Safety Week and by assisting our Year 6 Junior Safety Officers to run competitions and share information during assemblies.
We have two documents which we use to help support learning and help protect children: the first is a no consent form, which parents elect to sign (this means we will not publish images of any sort of your child without your permission) and the second is our reference to the Freedom of Information Act, showing the policies we use to address the issues surrounding social media.
Internet safety is also an important issue for parents to address in the home environment and we hope that our teaching and provision will support parents with this.
The CEOP website will help inform both you as parents and your children on internet safety. If you require any advice or additional information then please contact us.
CEOP's thinkuknow website - www.thinkuknow.co.uk
We have also been working with the NSPCC to raise awareness of internet safety.
The National Online Safety Team
National Online Safety Twitter