Covid 19
Information regarding COVID 19
Risk assessment
Please find below our COVID 19 risk assessment.
COVID 19 risk assessment
Remote learning expectations
Please find below our remote learning expectations for the different scenarios where we would need to provide remote learning. The first document is the plan that was sent to parents early in the Autumn term 2020 and has been actioned. The second is more specific to the spring term lockdown with additional detail.
Eaton Primary School remote learning expectations 2020-2021
Eaton Primary School Remote education provision: information for parents
Department for Education guidance
You can find information about what parents and carers need to know about schools during the Coronavirus 19 outbreak from the Department for Education using the link below. Please note that this page is updated regularly.
Covid Catch up fund spend
Covid Catch up fund spend information
Information for children
If your child is worried or anxious about coronavirus, you can find the Young Mind UK Parents Helpline experts’ advice on what you can do by clicking here.
You can also find a poster about COVID 19 with information for children to help them understand what Coronavirus is, the importance of handwashing and how to help stop the virus spreading by clicking here. This poster was developed by the Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust.