History at Eaton

We are excited to confirm that we have been awarded a Gold award for history from the History Association.
Follow this link for the full report.
What does our History curriculum look like?
At Eaton Primary School, we aim to create enthusiastic, resilient and independent learners in history who are passionate about learning, about and from the past. We have designed a high-quality, creative curriculum for history (that links where appropriate to geography) that is underpinned by the National Curriculum’s statutory subject content. We want our children to have gained the appropriate skills and knowledge, and to be independent learners with a love of history and the world around them.
How is the Curriculum at Eaton Primary School Structured?
Our history (and geography) is taught over three terms. We have weekly topic days where time is given to history to ensure correct and in-depth coverage. This also ensures history is a valued and well-thought out subject within our school. We have a clear rationale and overview, as well as a breadth of study document ensuring we cover all aspects of the National Curriculum. We have taken an enquiry-based approach to our termly topics, with answering the over-arching question being the driving force behind our expected outcomes. These enquiry-based questions are firmly underpinned by the National Curriculum. All of the aims and subject content from the National Curriculum is carefully planned out from year 1 to year 6 to ensure depth and breadth of understanding.
How do we provide for all learners?
We provide for all our learners by ensuring our history lessons are creative, engaging and informative. With a range of planning support materials, we plan lessons that build on children’s prior learning. Within each topic lesson, we have a starter that the children answer. These starters address common misconceptions or consolidate prior learning, including from previous years. Also, we ensure teaching assistants as used to support learning, and work is scaffolded and adapted, where appropriate, to suit the needs of all learners.
How do we enrich the curriculum?
Our history curriculum is enriched by providing and utilising a wide range of resources such as: library books, artefacts, visits or visitors, technology and videos. We make cross curricular links, where relevant, so our children’s learning has a purpose. We celebrate the work that our pupils have done in celebration assemblies, and parents/carers can share in children’s successes in our ‘Share the Learning’ mornings.
How do we assess the curriculum?
Our children are assessed through marking, verbal and peer assessment, and summative assessment. Each teacher has a termly assessment grid that tracks and monitors children’s progress against key history skills, objectives and knowledge. These assessment grids are then used to inform future planning to ensure that all of our children are achieving as highly as possible.