Please contact Mrs Jo Jeffs by email (admin@eaton.cheshire.sch.uk) or by phone (01829 732731) if you have any queries or wish to book an appointment to speak to our Head Teacher or any other member of staff in person.
If you request a paper copy of any of the information found on this website, please contact the school office.
Opening Times:
Before and after school club: 7:40 am - 6pm
School Office: 8:30am - 5:30pm.
School day: 8:40 am - 3:15pm
Get in Touch
Executive Head: Andrew Davies head@tarvin.cheshire.sch.uk
Head of School: Lorraine Skellon lorraine.skellon@eaton.cheshire.sch.uk
01829 732731

Any complaints about school matters should first be brought to the attention of the Head Teacher and relevant staff. If the complaint is not resolved a formal complaint may be made firstly to the Governing Body and secondly to CWAC. The Governing Body of the school is required to establish procedures for dealing with all complaints relating to the school or to the provision of facilities or services. Our chair of governors is Sean Gardner and he can be contacted by email (sean.gardner@eaton.cheshire.sch.uk).
You can find more information about making complaints here.