At Eaton, we believe that computational thinking is vital in helping children to solve problems, and one that all pupils should develop competence in, in order to be prepared for today’s rapidly changing world and future. We want all children to be digitally literate, being able to use and develop their ideas through information and communication technology at a level suitable for a future workplace and so that they are prepared to be active participants in a digital world.
Computing is an integral part of the national curriculum. At Eaton, we recognise that pupils are entitled to quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use it effectively. In KS1 children have access to iPads, on a daily basis. In KS2, children each have a touch screen laptop, and are used through a range of subjects.
The long-term plan for computing is progressive in terms of both knowledge and skills. The key areas are built upon and expanded each year in accordance with the growing knowledge of the children.
How do we enrich Computing?
By making our curriculum progressive, our children are better prepared to remember and build upon learning from previous topics, years and key stages. Wherever possible, opportunities for the use of computers are incorporated into all subject areas, allowing children to consolidate learning and to use it in real contexts. As a digital learning school, we incorporate additional resources such as Eduu school, Inspire Education and Britannica Online.
How is computing assessed?
Subject Leaders monitor the progress of computing through work scrutiny, pupil voice and work displayed . Next steps for the subject then are identified. Pupils are taught to understand and use correct computational vocabulary based on the objectives, skills and areas being taught. Computing vocabulary is displayed in all classrooms, and, as well as the progression of skills, is stuck into the computing 'floor books'
Through our teaching and learning of computing, children will become creative, logical thinkers, who analyse problems in computational terms. They will appreciate the relevance of digital literacy in our society and see it as an essential tool for learning, communication and finding information. As children's confidence grows they will be able to make informed and discerning choices about their use of information technology and most importantly know how to keep themselves safe when using all forms of technology.
How do we provide for all learners in Computing?
The computing curriculum delivery is equitable and appropriate for all groups ensuring full access and parity for all pupils. Through our teaching and learning of computing, all children have a positive view of the subject and are able to enthusiastically demonstrate a range of enquiry skills. Children are supported when necessary to enable full access to their learning in computing and the most able are challenged, to ensure everyone can fulfil their potential within the subject.
How do we support and offer training in computing?
Training is available for staff to develop best practice. Staff have access to support from KAPOW/ subject leader and outside links with high schools to support their teaching of new skills and techniques. KAPOW enables teachers to have a good subject knowledge to deliver the materials effectively but also using these skills to embed computing across the whole curriculum.
Digital Leaders
Each class in school has elected a digital leader, who help champion the subject. They also meet with the Computing lead and SLT to gather ideas to push the subject forward.